About five years ago (July 2012)- I blogged about goals. you can find it here. It was really good as I re-read with fresh eyes, almost like someone else was writing..
That piece was good. But it was what came after that jumped out at me. As I gave an example of a goal that I had, which in that moment called for further clarification and detail.
Now, lets fast forward another 15 or so months, It was (now) somewhere around May 2014. I had literally just returned to work post baby (the first one) and was lamenting about my disappointment with it. I knew I had to return but wasn't planning on setting up shop so was having lengthy chats with a life-coach friend.
I had fallen short by 3 months of the above-referenced goal, which in the grand scheme of things wasn't horrible. But what we were doing was setting some more goals to work toward. One goal was that I would leave the job. I was encouraged to be concrete and put dates to my goals and chose July 31. It would be my last day, I would go home and celebrate my daughter's first birthday- have her big splash that weekend and start August... fresh.
I don't recall what my post-resignation general plan was and I also don't know what happened to that plan, except it didn't happen. What did happen though, was that I buckled down and maximixed the disappointment. If I was going to stay in that place, I was gonna make the best out of it. By December or January... can't recall when, I had someone reach out and tell me about a job opportunity - I applied and by that April I was walking out.
It wasn't an academic appointment as a professor but it sounded like (as I hoped) a pretty amazing gig nonetheless. I would say that it was a dream job such that it was nonprofit work, I was in a position where I could make an impact, I had access to resources, and cha-ching...competitive compensation. It was a huge step up for me as I moved into more "managerial" work, although I managed programs more than a staff/people.
Now for those new to me. I went energetically after the Ph.D. because I love teaching tertiary level. I gained more skills and now love research so ultimately teaching full-time at a University has been on my radar for at least 10 years. The other perk of academia is the flexibility to build Homes of Hope and have some influence there as well, without being dependent on it financially.
I will be the first to tell you. I did NOT understand the move there. It was as left field as one could get. I didn't get it, but rolled with it. I figured 3-5 years, and then try the then College of The Bahamas, again. Well... lets bring this present day. It's July 31st. Not 2014 but 2017.
Its Daelyn's 4th birthday and it's my last day in this current capacity with the organization. It is still a dream job, especially since I was given the gift to dream, create and implement a program that is sooooo close to my heart but I do understand it was another stepping stone. A chapter in the book, although a short chapter.
You see, I needed to meet some folk, gain more exposure to local non-profits, and get some experience with developing, implementation and management of programs. I needed to see myself with greater responsibilities, as the "boss" that I am. Still struggling with Imposter Syndrome. I also needed to strengthen my backbone, tease out some fuzzy pieces to my story and needed some more processing. Yep, this chapter brought some interesting experiences, however, it was a worthy, enjoyable and necessary pit stop on my journey.
I begin as a full time, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of The Bahamas tomorrow. I should add... although not part-time work, this scenario gives me about 20 hours away from home, with good compensation, while getting the opportunity to spend the rest of the first year with my baby boy!! scroll up and re-read what my goal was back in 2012. Spend quality time with my babies during their first year of life. Managed to achieve that goal for baby #1, and well on my way to achieving for baby #2.
So, another transition. In the midst of one of my most trying, tiring, dare-I-say stressful seasons ever. I don't know what to expect. Adjustments usually come with some degree of stress so I guess... bring it on. I realize that my pit stop opened the door for some potential contract opportunities and I am happy to remain connected... for however long my path and theirs are running parallel.
So.. delayed goal? Wrong timing although correct date? I don't know. I know I have no regrets. I leave the position empty yet ironically very full. I gave and I received. I improved the programs and the organization while personally I grew.
In summary, my story reminds me (and you), to set your goals. Dream big. Take unplanned opportunities and give of yourself fully when you get them. Set boundaries but Ultimately learn, grow and connect. Keys to a fulfilling life.
Grace, peace and love,
r Gia