Spiritual Growth: my habits (part 4)

This week is a little different from week 4 in previous months. Instead of looking specifically at habits and how we can build upon and/or replace, I want you to consider the motives of your spiritual habits (and goals).

What is it that you already do...that align with your spiritual goals? are you doing them because of obligation or fear? or are you motivated by love and relationship? I know this may sound a bit much but the reality is that we are less likely to attain our deeper spiritual goals if we are motivated by fear, or even obligation.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

-1 John 4:18

John tells us that there is no love in fear because perfect love drives it out. Given we are completely and fully loved... that is, the love toward us is perfect, we are then free to live. This living includes us making decisions about what we do, with whom, and when or how often. We do not have to fear punishment, nor do we have to live motivated by the fear of disappointing God or another person. Put another way...our goals should be motivated by our values, passions and convictions and not by "shoulds", obligations or fear (punishment, disappointment

As we wrap up this month where we consider how to break cycles and attain our spiritual goals, consider the underlying factors that motivate your goals. If you realize that some of it is pure obligation or from a place of fear, then reassess whether or not these goals are ones that align with your renewed sense of self...that is being loved without conditions. If the goals still align, then incorporate those affirmations from last week as words to motivate your goal attainment. If you find that the goals no longer align, then pray about new goals. #drgiasays #Jesusplustherapy #Christiantherapist #Christianity #spiritualhealth #calvary #iamthestrongone #secureidentity #faith #goalsetting

Are you the strong one: my beliefs (part 1)

Spiritual Growth: my declarations (part 3)