Lemme remind you why this series exist...because setting goals is never enough. Without understanding the belief systems that feed behaviors, and even understanding how our emotions impact our behaviors, we are likely to continue to make futile attempts toward behavior change and end up frustrated! This is true for all types of desired behavioral changes, even those are tied to our spiritual health.
I believe that we are tripartite beings, consisting of spirit, soul and body. If you are holistic in your approach to life, you’d also be aware that any part of our selves that is impacted is usually connected to the other. Put simply your mind not only impactful your body but also your spirit and vice versa..
In April, our theme at #legacychurchglobal is Calvary and as I considered how to connect this series, I couldn’t help but recall how many times I hear people expressing a goal that ties to their faith. Side note, I am intentional to make space for people with differing beliefs understanding that not everyone shares my convictions but this month, the weeks will be specifically targeted to those whose faith aligns with traditional Judeo Christian heritage ✝️.
How many times have we set goals like:
I want to read my Bible more;
I want to pray more;
I want to stop (insert sin, here);
I want to have more faith.
And regardless of how we write out our intention, time passes and we are no closer to the goal. Now some can argue, the goals above are not SMART. Sure, but I also would challenge, what is the motive behind the goal? Digging a bit deeper, what are your beliefs about God? And how are those beliefs possibly impacting your movement toward achieving the goals.
Do you see God as
the punitive being who is keeping track of your sins and shortcomings waiting to punish you?
as distant and uncaring about the day to day of your life?
The higher power that has conditions on his love, favor and goodness?
Without realizing how it happens, it is often true that many of us fall into the trap of setting spiritual goals from the belief of
I must earn the love of God.
And if this is underlying your goal setting, then you will burn out. Our spiritual growth should be driven by relationship and not obligation. During this week, even as we have just celebrated the very reason for our faith, I challenge you to ask yourself the hard questions and consider the limiting thoughts and beliefs that may be hindering your own spiritual growth and development.#drgiasays #Jesusplustherapy #digdeeper #goalsetting #Christianity #cbt #spiritualgrowth #faithbasedcounseling #christiantherapists