the little things DO MATTER

It has been awhile. I've been on an unintentional hiatus...sabbatical. But like sabbaticals, mine was very productive and I'm back and even more committed to the various outlets.

When I picked up blogging again, I wanted to connect it to my new project- Stories of Hope with Dr Gia and provide some insight, information, stories and examples that help contextualize so many of our experiences, foster hope and empower my readers.  One of the off shoots of this was my idea of Being the Hope. Where I do not just talk about hope, but I actually give you tangible and practical options for fostering and faciliting hope in your own space.

From this emerged some more ideas...which I am excited to talk about and will officially introduce next week- but today, I want to share about another area of life where I have the opportunity to "be the hope".

I’ve been participating in denim day for breast cancer awareness since high school in the mid-90’s. It was what I did because I was asked and never really thought much of it. As an adult, I also adopted the wear pink on Fridays in October, again… because I was asked.
I will be honest, I don’t think I thought much of anything beyond I knew it was Breast Cancer awareness month and I wanted to be supportive. It wasn’t asking for much, right.
This year, I personally know 4 people who are in the midst of the fight. Like not just a friend of a friend…or the church member who you only know by face, but actually know these women. And I get a message from one asking me to wear pink on Fridays. I should note that she was one who I was always in pink with every Friday for probably 6 years a couple years back when we worked together.  I’m not sure her stance on it all those years, but I know for sure, I never imagined that there would be two from amongst us… about 20 years in age a part who find themselves facing the same battle.
For this friend, the pink not only is for awareness or the trend, it represents hope. And for her and the 3 others, I will wear (and have been wearing) pink.  I wear it for every women (and man) that may have to face this diagnosis today, tomorrow or further in the future.  This is one way... in October where I can join in with others and bring hope. 
My other opportunity is what I wanted to share, so you can share with someone that may benefit. That is that I get to share what I do best... which is speak, teach, encourage and empower others while they journey with a loved one through cancer.


On Friday, October 27th, I will join others to share encouragement, tips and support for the amazing people who have spent some time supporting their loved ones battle cancer.

I will be sharing on "Are you wearing your mask" which will speak to the caretaker's responsibility to take care of themselves through their service as an important way to be impactful to their loved one.  If you know someone in this role, encourage the outing that is catering specifically to them. If you are in this position, full-time or part-time, please.. join us.

Looking forward for the cure is one thing, but real life, tangible support is also impactful for fostering hope in the dark days of the cancer journey/battle.

This is me using what I have, what do you have to give? #bethehope

Grace, peace, and love,
Dr Gia

#HOPE day

#BeTheHope: SHAME