Breaking Cycles: my declarations (part 3)

I believe there is power in my voice. So once I have identified limiting thoughts, beliefs and unhealthy self talk, I usually challenge myself to speak what I want to see.

In the first two weeks, we did some digging and considered both our thoughts and self talk. You should have lists now in that journal, with a goal(s) in mind that we are working toward.

Now that you have identified all that is going on in your head, it's time to address what we say and do. This week we focus on positive declarations.

In your journal, for every limiting thought and negative self talk, you are to put a line through it and next to it, over it, under it....wherever. Make the space and put an affirmation next to it. Here are some examples:

That’s too hard

*I can do hard things

I can’t

*I am capable

That’s really not for me

*I have capacity to grow and expand my skill set

I've never done something like this

*I am equipped

My entire family does it this way.

*I want different for my life and that's okay!

What does it even matter?

*There are people whose destinies are impacted by my actions.

Fun fact! the brain makes new neurons (neurogenesis) which means there are opportunities for new pathways to be made, between existing neurons and new ones. Go ahead and shift your thinking starting with the changes in your declarations. 🗣 Say it until you create and strengthen the neural pathways, i.e. until you believe it! Because we have the power to declare a thing and it shall be established (Job 22:28 ) #drgiasays #Jesusplustherapy #intentionalliving #brainplasticity #renewedmind #cyclebreaker

Breaking Cycles: my habits (part 4)

Breaking Cycles: my self talk (part 2)