Breaking Cycles: my habits (part 4)

Week 4! we made it.


In case you are new to this series, we #digdeeper and explore the thoughts, beliefs, language and behaviors that keep us stuck in cycles.


We first identified the cycle we want to break, and then identified who we want to be (rather than focusing on what we don't want). Now that the goal was set, we then took a look inward, identifying unhealthy beliefs, thoughts and self talk that were undermining our efforts to move toward the desired behavior.  Last week, we adopted new language and began making declarations over ourselves and the situations that were positive and enabling (vs negative and disabling declarations). 


Finally, this week we will look closely at the unhealthy coping behaviors and habits with a goal to identify new, healthier ways of behaving.


Adopting new behavior is hard -in part because of those belief systems, the language and self talk that support the beliefs and also because of the actual behaviors that have become our way of living, our comfort zone. Habits.


I've highlighted three major areas for you to examine: people, places and things. An easy way to populate this list...ask yourself what triggers you, causing you setbacks on your movement toward the desired goals? This list is important because our behaviors, habits...coping is usually in response to these things.

 People (who are regulars in your life)

Are there certain people associated with the habit you want to break? For example, you only do this or are more likely to do this when you are with a person or certain group. If yes, then consider distancing yourself in meaningful ways.

Places (you often visit or spend extended periods of time at)

Do you find yourself longing for the thing you’ve given up when you’re in certain environments? Again, to break the cycle, you’re going to need to be intentional about spending too much, if any time in these spaces.

Things (you do or possess)

What else triggers you to return to the behaviors you

are looking to change? Types of TV shows, music,etc

Once you've made that list, now consider how you can be intentional about minimizing interactions with the people or visits to these places.  In some instances, this is easy, but there are some scenarios where this is harder. The other side of this coin is not just cutting out these people, places and things but also to identify the replacements. Without replacements, you run the risk of reverting to the same people, places and things that are unhealthy.


If you find you are getting stuck with how to move forward with new behaviors, this may be a great point to identify a mental health professional to help support your journey (if you haven't already). #drgiasays #Jesusplustherapy #intentionalliving #cbt #innerhealing

Life after Trauma: my beliefs (part 1)

Breaking Cycles: my declarations (part 3)